Recent events have shown that there is some misunderstanding of the Guidance on Scoring, as set out in the NSRA Handbook. The full NSRA Rules can be viewed on their website and the aforementioned Guidance notes can be found HERE.
Would scorers please note that there are changes in these 2005 amendments to procedures that were commonplace beforehand. Take particular note of the paragraphs headed “Using Plug Gauges” and “Gauges”, in particular the sentence that instructs that the position of the gauge flange must be viewed “at an angle, not directly above, as the latter can lead to distortion and inaccurate scoring”. Furthermore, for short range rifle competitions shot on proportional British Match targets, it is essential to use the correct OVERSIZE plug gauges for the appropriate distance. If scorers are still using the 5.6mm (.22) plug gauges, please endeavour to obtain an oversize gauge so that we have uniformity of scoring throughout different divisions in the leagues. I appreciate that this guidance might be at odds to what occurs in other competitions, but remember that we operate our leagues under the auspices of NSRA Rules, so their Handbook must be the law!