These meetings are OPEN to all comers, but may include competitions or events which are confined to shooting clubs affiliated to the Association, or to Individuals who reside within the County.
Entry Forms for all Competitions run by or on behalf of the Association are downloadable in standard PDF format.
SCSBRA Open Meeting 2024 reminder

Further details from Paul Duxbury, please email him at surreyopenmeeting@gmail
2023 Leslie Williams 200 yard competition
This year sees the welcome return of the Leslie Williams Competition, to be held at Short Siberia, Bisley on Sunday 14th May.
For those that haven’t heard of this competition before, it’s open to Surrey Clubs, Individual Associate Members and Clubs in the Home Counties affiliated to the Home Counties Coordinating Committee.
Teams will consist of 3 members, but clubs may enter as many teams as they wish. (Coaching is permitted for teams only). To be fired on NRA round bull targets at 200 yards, scoring 1 to 5/v, HPS = 50.10. Course of fire: Five sighters and ten shots to count, with a .22 calibre rim-fire rifle (iron sights).
Details have been sent to all SCSBRA clubs already, but if you haven’t received anything, you can download the application form and rules by clicking here (updated 15/02/2023).