SCSBRA Annual General Meeting 2023

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the above Association will be held on Thursday 16th March 2023 at 7.30 p.m. at The Surrey Rifle Association Club House, Bisley.

The relevant documents can be downloaded by clicking on the titles below.
SCSBRA minutes of AGM 2022
AGM 2023 Nominations Form

Other notices

Surrey County Eligibility

If you reside in a property that is liable for Council Tax in any of the following areas, you are eligible to shoot small bore under NSRA rules for Surrey: CroydonElmbridgeEpsom and EwellGatwick AirportGuildfordKingstonLambethMertonMole ValleyReigate and...

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Granting of Extensions

A propos of the Summer 22 competitions, SCSBRA feels it would be helpful to highlight the rules for the granting of extensions for postal competitions. These are now available for download by clicking here. Will you please forward it to your respective club discipline...

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Guidance to Scorers

Recent events have shown that there is some misunderstanding of the Guidance on Scoring, as set out in the NSRA Handbook.  The full NSRA Rules can be viewed on their website and the aforementioned Guidance notes can be found HERE. Would scorers please note that...

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Surrey Club Contacts

I am often receiving enquiries from individuals who wish to learn more about joining our sport and are looking for a Club to visit for more information.  May I ask that all Club Secretaries view their club's details as shown on our Club Finder page and check that...

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Post Office Reminder

 'Pricing in Proportion (size, thickness and weight) affects the cost of sending cards to scorers.  If you do not attach the correct postage when sending  your league cards, don't expect the scorer to make the trip to the sorting office and pay the penalty charge to...

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